Your Advisor understands...

...that proper wealth transfer planning starts with a thoughtful goal setting and decision-making process.

...that this can be an emotionally charged topic.

...that the pandemic has likely increased your awareness of your own mortality.

Your advisor uses our platform to help you navigate...

Second marriages

Children from prior relationships

Non-traditionally defined couples

Concerns about how family members handle money

Special-needs children

Worry over litigation

Aging parents

Our Process



Don’t depend on the government to decide.

Determine who, when, how and for what purpose.


Plan for varied circumstances.

Goals, not laws, drive decisions

Avoiding Family Strife

Navigate modern family dynamics associated with divorce and remarriage, children from multiple relationships, adoption, in-laws, and participation in family businesses.


Corporate trustees help ensure that your wishes are administered properly, and do so while ensuring that your trust is properly accounted for and that all tax filings are handled appropriately.

Tax Liability Management

As estate tax law changes, be better prepared to minimize your tax liability.